Sunday, September 4, 2011

Mazel tov!

President .....................................................Salomon Bensimon
Vice President...............................................Danny Sadeh
Secretary/Treasurer.....................................Riki Sanani
Trustee........................................................Sonny Assraf
Trustee........................................................Yvonne Gordon
These officers and trustees are committed to serving and protecting the best interest of the Synagogue in all secular matters.

The Board will soon be setting the amount of annual dues. Dues paid to become a member of Achdut Israel Synagogue are 100% tax deductible. You will receive a statement of donation in time for filing your taxes.

If you feel you are financially unable to pay your dues, please contact the rabbi, the treasurer or the president. You will be given dues relief up to your ability to pay. No one will be denied membership because they lack the financial ability to pay dues.

Dues entitles you to the following:
Free use of the synagogue hall for events such as weddings, bar mitzvah, bris, pedyon haben, etc. Reduced fee for Pesach and High Holidays, Reduced fee for Sunday School, a seat at all services, free consultation with the rabbi, first opportunities for aliyot, and other benefits of belonging to the community.

For more information call 850-276-1385.

About Me

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We are an Orthodox synagogue in the Sephardic Tradition. Located in Panama City Beach, Florida, we are a little bit of Israel here on the world's most beautiful beaches. We have a full-time rabbi and hold services every Friday, Saturday, and holiday. All are welcome to Achdut Israel Synagogue. While the service is in Hebrew, the D'var Torah can be in English and there are those available to assist with translations. Call 850-276-1835 for more information.